Installation Guide

Local installation

ExPRES can be downloaded from:

The single step installation is to clone the repository:

git clone

Running the code requires to install other software, as described below.

Required software


The ExPRES code is running under IDL (Interactive Data Language), has been developed and tested on IDL version 8.5, 8.6 and 8.7. This software must be installed for running the ExPRES code.


The code has not been tested with GDL (GNU Data Language), the open source version of IDL. This is part of future developments of the code.

The ExPRES uses several external IDL libraries, which are described in the following sections.


The ExPRES code writes output files in CDF (Common Data Format). The CDF library of IDL requires the installation of several packages:

IDL Astro

The ExPRES code also uses some routines from the IDLAstro library.

Precomputed data

Precomputed sets of data providing planetary magnetic field line models used by the ExPRES code must be downloaded before any operation. The data is available from the ExPRES section of the MASER data server.

More details on the additional files:


The test suite are still under development. It uses unittest under Python 3.6 and the IDL-Python bridge (idlpy) provided with IDL version 8.7.